Mass in English - 11 AM Sunday

Welcome to our Mass in English

The Mass, also called Eucharist of the Lord’s Supper is at the centre of what we do as a parish.

We believe Christ makes himself truly present when we listen to His word, and offer him our praises, our adoration, bread, and wine. He then offers himself in the gift of His Body and Blood: the consecrated elements of bread and wine and the communion with our brothers and sisters.

What can you expect?


The Eucharist is at the heart of Christian worship. It is celebrated by Christians around the world as a memorial of the death and resurrection of Jesus, in response to his words at the final meal he shared with his disciples, ‘Do this in remembrance of me.’ In the Eucharist, God invites us to his table as a foretaste of the heavenly banquet which he has prepared for people of all nations and cultures.


We sing a mix of old songs (hymns) and new as a way of worshipping God and growing the bond between worshippers. We can use an organ, or a guitar or accompany pre-recorded projected hymns.

Bible Readings

Bible passages are read both from the Old and the New Testament. During the Gospel reading, because contains a record of Jesus’ words, people stand to show their respect.


After reading the Bible, we explain it. There is someone duly authorised, usually a priest, who delivers a homily or sermon based on scripture. In it, they go through the history of the text, its meaning, and how its principles can be applied today.


The congregation follows the service in the prayer book and responds to the prayers.

Feel free to contact us

If you have any questions or enquiries, please get in contact using the form below.